Author: martechcubejohn

On an average, HR managers and recruiters go through a resume in almost six to seven seconds. It’s a really short time and shows that your resume must be outstanding... Read More

Suppose you’ve been working on landing a high-value B2B client for months, writing a proposal that you believe is tailored to their needs. It explains your solution based on the... Read More

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made quite a name for itself in the previous year. However, lately, its pitfalls have been dominating most of the conversation. By now, we are all... Read More

The business landscape has been transformed by over 75% in the past few years with the help of numerous technologies. One such marvel is augmented intelligence, which has emerged as... Read More

Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology for the good of humanity. He is... Read More

As the business world revolves around globalization and faster results, top executives, data analysts, and even marketing managers look forward to real-time analytics. It enables them to harness the power... Read More

Whether you’re choosing a restaurant or deciding where to live, data lets you make better decisions in your everyday life. If you want to buy a new TV, for example,... Read More

In this digital age, data is the new oil, especially with the emergence of augmented analytics as a game-changing tool that has the potential to transform how businesses harness this... Read More